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We were all hoping that this would be gone by now, of course we were wrong. It is more prevalent than ever at this moment in time! So many lives have been lost and families devastated in its' quake! We are all still wearing masks and shields everywhere, washing hands, sanitize everything, stay six feet apart, talk through glass, shop online and under plexiglass shields at grocery stores (only if you are brave enough to go to the stores) Schools opened just so they could close again. "Virtual" students are an every day occurrence. "Zoom" and "Asynchronous Learning" are everyday words. People are all hibernating, trying to stay safe, missing loved ones. I personally haven't seen my son and grandkids and family for almost a year now because of the strict rules Governor Cuomo has set for New York State. We cancelled our trip to NY for Thanksgiving (so sad!!). I do understand where he's coming from, but my family is all from Upstate, not the city. I just hope his measures help everyone to get better soon!!

Some "ESSENTIAL" businesses are allowed to be open but must take all measures and wear the PPE to protect themselves and the customer! Hopefully the vaccine will be perfected really soon (President Trump says it will be FREE) and we will be able to get back to life, no not normal, just back to life. That would be nice! I feel our life will never be "NORMAL" again. I feel that this pandemic will make us realize what is most important in our lives and what we need to do to hold on to it for dear life!

So many of us have so much to be thankful for even in these crazy, off the chart, abnormal times we are living at the moment!! I am so blessed each day to have my husband, granddaughter, son, daughter-in-law and grandson so close! I get to see them most every day. But I do miss my son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter and grandsons who live in NY!!

I have faith they will stay safe and I will get to see them as soon as I am able to travel to UPSTATE NY!!!



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